Everybody Oversubscribes
Oversubscription in a network is a state where there is not enough bandwidth at one or more devices (or ports) in the network to support all of the other ports (or devices) using their full bandwidth. Sometimes, it is defined more narrowly to only consider uplinks, or expected traffic flows. Oversubscription is poorly understood outside of networking engineering circles, and tends to be fairly controversial when ISP customers learn their ISP has oversubscription in their network.
We Already Have Self Driving Cars
It is very fashionable on certain parts of the Internet to dunk on self-driving cars. According to these folks, self driving cars are yet another Silicon Valley scam with huge out-sized risks being placed on an unsuspecting public in the form of poorly tested (or untestable) software just waiting to kill people, and with all of the benefits accruing towards a cabal of tech bro elites filled with hubris and lacking any concern with the consequences of their actions.
Getting Old
Getting old sucks, as they say. When I was in high school, I read a book about making Dobsonian telescopes and I remember it mentioned, as an aside, that as people age their pupils get smaller and it reduces visual accuity. I noted the anecdote, but didn’t think much more about it at the time. According to Amazon, I bought that book in June, 1998. This week, a little over 26 years later, I bought this gizmo:
Tags: vision
Setting Emacs Variables in Hugo Markdown
If you want to set Emacs File Variables in your Hugo markdown files but not have the Emacs variables visible in your rendered content you have a couple of options: Option 1 – use an HTML comment Include the file variables in an HTML comment – that will be stripped out, at least if you are using the default Goldmark renderer. That looks like this: <!-- Local Variables: mode: markdown-mode whitespace-line-column: 100 End: --> This will be replaced with ‘<– Raw HTML omitted –>’ in the rendered HTML, but won’t produce any user-visible display artifacts.
Tags: emacs hugo markdown
Upgrading the TPM in HP Small Form Factor PCs for use in Linux
I’ve recently bought a few Small Form Factor PCs on eBay to use as part of my backup setup. Its hard to beat the price - I’ve gotten 4 core, 16GB machines with 250G NVMe SSDs for around $50 - $60 shipped. For one of these machines, I wanted to use the TPM to seal my SSH keys, and had to upgrade it from TPM 1.2 to 2.0. These are my notes on how to do that.
Tags: linux security ssh gpm thrift